SUBJECT CODE: BHM111 EXAM DATE: 23.11.2015 ROLL No……………. NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR HOTEL MANAGEMENTAND CATERING TECHNOLOGY, NOIDA ACADEMIC YEAR – 2015-2016 COURSE : 1st Semester of 3-year B.Sc. in H&HA SUBJECT : Foundation Course in Food Production – I TIME ALLOWED : 03 Hours MAX. MARKS: 100 _______________________________________________________________________ (Marks allotted to each question are given in brackets) _______________________________________________________________________ Q.1. (a) What are the attributes of a good chef? (b) List the importance of each item of a chef’s protective clothing. (5+5=10) Q.2. (a) Give the “Classical Brigade” as propounded by Chef Augustine Escoffier. (b) State the duties and responsibilities of a Sous Chef of a 5-star hotel. (5+5=10) Q.3. (a) Highlight and briefly explain five classical cuts of vegetables. (b) What is the effect of heat on vegetab