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Showing posts from February, 2023

Filets de Poisson Dugléré)

Fish Fillets in White Wine Sauce (Filets de Poisson Dugléré) Recipe adapted from Le Cordon Bleu Paris Sauce  100 ml white wine  300 – 400 ml fish stock (homemade or store-bought)  125 g butter  salt/pepper Vegetable Garnish  1/2 onion, diced  2 shallots, diced  3 medium or large tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced  2 tbsp. finely chopped parsley Directions  Prepare the vegetable garnish: remove the skins from the tomatoes: remove the top core of each tomato and place an ‘x’ on the bottom. Place each tomato into a pan of boiling water until the skin loosens. Remove from the pan and immediately place into a bowl of ice water to stop further cooking of the tomato. Remove the tomato skins and cut into quarters. Remove the seeds and then finely dice the tomatoes.  Chop finely the ½ onion and two shallots.  Butter a fry pan generously. Over medium heat, add the onions and shallots first to the pan, then add the tomatoes and fish pieces. Season with salt and pepper, then add the 100